I spent a few more hours on my garden painting last night. I've been feeling very inspired to paint lately, but most nights I am too tired, or end up watching a depressing movie with my husband, such as "The House of Sand and Fog" tonight.
Anyhow, I have managed to add in the foliage for a patch of Globe thistle (Echinops bannaticus or Echinops ritro) - see photo right. I've added only dark purple balls where the flowers will be. I think they will be fun to paint in, and also very time-consuming.

I also painted in the stems and part of the red flowers of Monarda didyma (Bee balm). I will add in the leaves and finish the flowers another night. The globe thistle flowers may take a couple of nights.
I am feeling good that I've covered a good portion of the canvas now, so I can feel the progress. But I also realize that I am painting much larger than I had planned originally, so fitting in about a third of the flowers I had hoped. So maybe I'll have to paint two more paintings after this one... :-)