I told my daughter it would be a "secret garden", so she is disappointed that it is so visible from the house. I tell her that by Spring, it will look very different:

If you're not already tired of my garden project, then join me as we walk up the stairs...

Round the corner...

...and come upon my newly renovated garden area. Suddenly this area of the garden which gave me most grief has become my favourite spot. I love the dark black soil, which the crew hauled up today. It smells very rich and earthy, and steamed as they laid it down. If all goes well, in Spring both sides will be flanked by a beautiful row of lush peonies. I will decide if I want the arbour at the entranceway. It could look good either way. I think I'm less inclined to it, seeing how beautiful it looks already with just the stones... I am now thinking of one umbrella-shaped tree in the center of the island garden, where the white stick is now, flanked by low perennials all around. Any suggestions for the tree?

Come sit down with me on the granite bench for a moment (a bit cold - okay, maybe in Spring).

Here is the garden from behind, looking back toward the house.

And from the shed at the top corner of our yard. Try to ignore the pots, and the metal bench which needs to be moved out of the way - I had only a few minutes to take photos between conference calls to the office, so didn't have time to move them away:

We had some spare stones, so I had them placed as stepping stones along the fence, so that I could access my planter boxes (where I grow beans most years). I think they look great, too, somewhat informal but intentional.

I can not wait until Spring, to see this area transform into a lush green paradise. I'm so ready for it!
Hooray! How exciting. I can't wait to see it next Spring and Summer!
Perhaps you could plant some tall hollyhocks for your daughter next summer. The heirloom varieties can reach about 15 feet high. They became a flowering forest for my daughter when she was younger - she'd hide out in there, it was her secret garden. :)
Ellen - Thanks for the encouragement.
Kate - What a great idea. At that height, do they need staking?
This is an awesome site. I love the content of this site. This is one of the best site I've ever visited.
vancouver flowers
What a wonderful project!! This is absolutely beautiful. I will also look forward to seeing this next Spring! :-)
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