Tonight I talked the kids into some painting projects, so that I could finally tackle the giraffe project I've been planning since... oh my, August 2008, when our family took a trip to Quadra Island, and I found a tall (over 5') piece of driftwood which looked awfully like a giraffe's head.
I had decided to try to paint it, to bring out its "inner giraffe", and then put it somewhere on the edge of my garden, maybe sticking out into a pathway (like along our stairs from the lower to upper back yard).
At first, I wondered if I had made a mistake, trying to paint it, but when it's done now, I think the result is amazing:

Ha, this is a funny angle. Looks like he's chewing.

I think I'm too fond of it already, this giraffe may end up inside the house for a while, perhaps until next spring. If I'm smart, I'll incorporate him into the upper garden reno project which I'm still hoping to take on this year.
The kids also finished their projects. My son painted a fence knob (hmmm, there is probably a proper name for this) which we picked it up at a whim from a bin at the cedar shop, thinking it would make a cute little person for the yard some day. Sure enough, my son managed to make it into a little lady:

My daughter finished our last wooden birdhouse:

Ha, now I'll have to figure out how to get some of these birdhouses out into the yard, rather than on my kitchen counter. (See my previous post.)