Very early on, I also discovered the joy of just posting "Garden Glimpses" or photographs of my garden and plants throughout the various seasons. I still enjoy looking back on these, and comparing the garden and blooms from year to year.
In early 2007, I started my Garden Painting project, and posted my step by step series of additions to the painting, until I finally hung it on the wall, half finished, where it remains today, waiting for my next period of inspiration.
Early on, I used to track my visitors, and what searches led them to my blog. Early on, it was photos and descriptions of my espalier trees which seemed to bring the most visitors. Now, other than my regular readers, it seems to be Google Images searches which brings about 100 visitors per day. Many who click further, and others who don't.
For the longest time, it felt like I was writing mostly to myself. My brother checked occasionally whether I was making any progress on my garden painting, and then eventually gave up on me entirely. Then somewhere along the line, I discovered the occasional joy of visitors to my blogs who actually left comments. One of my first regular visitors and commenters I remember was Irena from My Roots Run Deep, a fellow Canadian gardener in the Toronto area. I treasured those comments, which were a sign that someone "out there" actually cared enough to read or look at my posts.
I discovered the joy of reading and "following" other garden blogs, and leaving the occasionally comment to let them know, too, that someone cared and appreciated their posts. Now I can spend entire evenings just following my regular blogs, and following their links and commenters to discover more good blogs to "follow".

You have expressed some lovely sentiments, and ones I have felt myself (but not expressed so well!).
I haven't been following you for five years, but I will now :)
Happy Blog Anniversary! Wow! Five years must have left you with a great treasure trove of images and thoughts about your garden. I've only been bogging a little more than a year.
Happy 5th blogaversary! Blogging really does open up a whole new world doesn't it? Looking forward to seeing more of your garden this coming year.
Thank you all. Yes, I look forward to the next 5 years. ;-)
Thanks for sharing for 5 yrs (even though I've only been reading for just over 1). Your local content is why I keep reading. It's nice to see what's in a garden without snooping past a fence :)
Congratulations on five years of blogging! And thanks for the mention. I have always enjoyed your posts --everything from your fruit trees to your stick bugs and now...your rats! I'm still planning to build a fairy house with my daughter, inspired by your fairy house. All the best for another five years.
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