Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Colour Mosaic : Brown

When Jen at unglazed suggested Brown as one of the colour themes, I didn't think there would be much to show - at least not from my garden. But when I browsed through my photos, I found a number of brown-themed ones which amused me, which I've combined into a mosaic (click image for a larger view):
Brown mosaic
In the mix you'll find bison from a nearby farm in Agassiz, BC, some of my homemade chilli and ginger chocolates, a campfire cake I made for my daughter's 10th birthday, a photo of my asian pear tree espaliered against the fence, a closeup of a wasp's nest, and a photo of our rat Sam when she was a little baby.


  1. Nice brown mosaic. Cute mouse (rat?!)

  2. You have a nice collection of browns here. I try not to get too close to a wasp nest :-) Your closeup shows a very pretty texture. And Sam is a cutie!

  3. Hi Lily, I'm visiting from Jen's blog. What a lovely mosaic for brown week. Love the bison especially. Have a nice weekend and I'll visit again on Monday.

  4. Good Morning! Your Color on Monday mosiacs are wonderful!!!
    I enjoyed looking back at lots of stuff. Great blog!

  5. Hi, I've enjoyed seeing your color mosaic series. It's pretty cool.

  6. Thanks to all of you for your encouragement - your comments mean a lot to me.

    I have to admit that I'll be a bit sad when the colour series comes to an end.
