Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Little Soccer Player

My son is David becoming a very good soccer player.  That's what everyone is telling me.  That's why I let David kick balls (not the soccer ball, though!) around inside the house, even though I don't really appreciate that.

Today turned out to be a gorgeous sunny day and I stayed to watch David play soccer, rather than retreat with my daughter to the library nearby.  Here are some photos I was able to snap this afternoon with my daughter's digital camera:
Don't we live in a beautiful part of the world?  I love the backdrop of the North Shore mountains from our soccer field in North Burnaby, BC.


  1. Great photos. Looks like it was a gorgeous day and hopefully it was fun for all! :-)

  2. Cute little soccer player. I'd take soccer over American football any day. My son played in grade school and I love the game!

  3. What I love about soccer is that it takes next to no equipment (really just the ball), and is played and loved all over the world.
