Monday, September 13, 2010

Colour Mosaic Monday : Purple

I was feeling too tired tonight, but I couldn't resist creating a purple mosaic for both Mosaic Monday at Little Red House and Jen's Purple Theme this week at unglazed.

Purple is one of the favourites in my garden, where all but one of these photos - can you guess which one? - are from my garden (click the image for a larger view).
Purple flower mosaic


  1. It's a great collection for a mosaic, well done! Have a happy week!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous. Some of my favorite colors too!

  3. Purple is a fave color of mine in the garden, too. This is just gorgeous! You should turn that into a printed poster. :)

  4. What a nice collage! Cute little bunnies. :-)

  5. I love purple in the garden also. This is a lovely mosaic and the butterfly is so pretty.

  6. Nice blog you have here, thanks for sharing this
