Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Concrete Leaf Catastrophe

My visions of a beautiful concrete Gunnera leaf for my garden have been shattered into pieces.  Quite a number of pieces, as you can see here:
Concrete leaf casting failure
Although from this angle, it looks like there is still some potential for an artistic creation:
Concrete leaf pieces
Perhaps a sculpture of a decaying Gunnera leaf, crumbled into pieces on the soil?

The dark green parts are where I still need to peel away the Gunnera leaf to reveal the concrete cast below.  I had my husband flip the leaf for me Saturday afternoon, and I didn't have time to finish this work, since we were packing and leaving the next morning.

The imprint itself worked out quite well, with nice strong details of the veining in the leaf (again, the dark areas are where I still need to remove the leaf):
Concrete leaf casting - good detail
So what did I do wrong?

The biggest mistake was to start with too big of a leaf.  Not only did I run out of materials (I think it should have been thicker, especially on the edges), but I created my own monster.  At about 100 pounds, I am not able to handle and move it myself.  Even the fragments I have now are a struggle.  If it were smaller, I likely would have been able to support the leaf while trying to flip it, and then allow it to continue to cure.  But as soon as my husband starting lifting the beast, it was cracking under its own weight.

If I make another attempt, it will be with a smaller leaf.  Something suitable for an ornamental stepping stone in the garden.  Then if all goes well, I could work my way toward a larger bird bath or focal point in the garden.

In the meantime, I will see what I can salvage of the Gunnera, and keep working on it, to learn a bit more about the process.  If I can, I would like to finish pieces of it, and try painting them before Winter hits, so I can learn how the paints survive the Winter.


  1. Ahhh to bad. All the veins of the leaf look pretty cool. It really does make for some beautiful detail work :)

  2. Love to see the finished work. Although what you have is pretty artsy...maybe you can save parts of it.

  3. Hello Lilly, I would like to talk to you about your Gunnera leaf cast. I have answers that will make you very happy. Please call me at 206-349-6403.



  4. well thank you very much for sharing your journey!!! i hope you enjoyed yourself along the way. i am always messing around in the garden, good or bad. i like to paint rocks. we have a huge pile from someone tearing up their old parking lot. painting, working with clay, whatever your project is, enjoy it!!!

  5. I applaud your bravery. you know what they say" Go big or go home." I learned a lot from your failure . Thank you. And so did you !!!I work in clay so my large leaf disaster could be broken up and the clay reclaimed. I appreciate your share.

  6. U deserve a pat on the back for effort girl. Mammoth task to make something so big, but hey as its a first attempt we're not to know really the finer tuned points of 'concrete casting '
    U should be very proud of your attempt, its just bloody frustrating tho when u think of the time and money spent experimenting on a great idea.
    Its an amazing shaped leaf and I can imagine how hard it would have been, also trying to support something so large and with so many crevices would have been super hard. Maybe next time u could try the odd pool noodle or cheap painters drop cloth to fill in (or out) the crevices and build up the side walls of those crevices, hope that makes sense hahaha.
    Either way good job and don't give up, maybe u could use the broken pieces to help support the next attempt, or place them around your garden, poking out of the dirt like buried leaves poking thru the dirt etc, door stops, paper weights haha,
    Thanks for being so thorough and all the photos too, good luck on the next maybe smaller attempt,
    I am woman hear me roar 😅 and groan and gasp and curse 😆🥰
    Cheers Kaz from Oz
