Monday, August 30, 2010

Color Mosaic Monday : Green - NOT!

Sometimes technology works for us, and sometimes it works against us.  This weekend I was all ready to join Jen at unglazed with this week's theme of GREEN.  I had created 2 GREEN mosaics on Saturday, and emailed them to myself, so I could collect them from my laptop from our vacation this week.  But apparently they didn't make it, although various other emails from the office made it.  Perhaps my mosaics are still stuck in my Outbox on my home computer, which has subsequently been turned off, for our trip.

The first was a mosaic of green foliage and flowers, mostly from my garden, some of wildflowers from hikes.

The second was a mosaic of miscellaneous greens, from Disneyland and others.

I would have also posted to this week's Monday Mosaic at Little Red House.

But I guess this time technology worked against me.  :-(

On the other hand, we are having a very enjoyable family vacation, before school starts next week.  Gasp!

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