Monday, September 06, 2010

Late Colour Mosaic : GREEN

Before I left for vacation last Sunday, I prepared my green mosaics and emailed them to myself, so I would be able to pick them up on my laptop, and join the colour theme at Jen's unglazed blog.  But as technology would have it, the email didn't make it out of my Outbox before I left.  So I'm posting them anyhow, and hopefully they will provide some enjoyment or amusement to someone.

This mosaic is a combination of wildflowers from some of our trips, as well as greenery from my garden:
Green wildflower mosaic
My second blog is a combination of photos from a trip to Disneyland and Universal Studios a couple of years ago, as well as my daughter with Sumi, one of the mascots from the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver:
Green Disneyland Universal Olympics mosaic

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