Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fairy Garden

I guess it was last year that a offered my daughter her own "fairy garden", but then other than her adding a small stump there and the occasional sticks and such, the plants were not particularly unique to a fairy garden. Just more of my usual, such as crocosmia and Japanese anemone. So I finally decided something had to be done, especially since I have had this fairy house on the counter for too long. So today I started clearing out the crocosmia and such:
Clearing out for a fairy garden
Hmmm, I think that hosta has to go also... make room for the fairy house. And then I have started planting miniature plants, such as the tiny hosta in the bottom left corner, and sedums and sempervivums, and a small violet, and whatever else I will find around the garden which will fit the scale of the fairy garden:

I will leave the lilies (they look like huge trees behind the house), and the Hibiscus syriacus (Rose of Sharon) behind, but will eventually clear out more, so that all the "gardens" surrounding the house will be more to scale. If I didn't know better, I would even leave the horsetail which pokes up in spots, to form tiny trees. But the horsetail is much too successful already to give it such encouragement.


  1. I like your little fairy garden. Someday when my girl is a little older, I'll build one for her too. I saw the link for your blog on My Roots Run Deep (Owen and Irena) and followed it along. I love your pictures, especially the flowers in the desert around Osooyoos. I grew up in nearby Penticton and our school went camping at the KOA in Osooyoos. In fact, I remember handling one of those rubber boas, but until I saw your post, I never knew its name!

  2. I love gardening too.I have a garden i planted it with different flower.


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