Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Bunch of Baby Bison in Beautiful BC

On the weekend we went to visit the bison in Agassiz (yes, there are bison in BC!), since we heard they had a baby bison. But when we arrived, we realized that there were a number of babies. As we climbed the hill to see them, the mothers quickly moved into a huddle, with the babies between them, except for one little guy who didn't seem concerned:
Bison huddle
Fairly soon, they realized we were armed only with a camera, and went about their business with only a few stares at us (which makes for better photos, anyhow). We were able to count 6 calves among the 7 females, with the last female visibly pregnant also. One male. Here are 3 of the moms with calves:
Bison moms and calves
Here are a couple more pics (click any photo for a larger image):
Bison with calf
Another bison with calf

1 comment:

  1. Those are wonderful photos! How funny with taking interest in the baby!
