Friday, May 30, 2008

Fairy Discovery

Last weekend while we were walking Lighthouse Park (one of my favourite parks), my daughter discovered a fairy (click for a larger image):
My daughter discovers a fairy


  1. wow, fairies do exist! I have to show my daughter now! ha..ha.. well done, I am most impressed in how beautiful you were able to creat your special fairy. I'm sure April was so excited to discover her!
    thanks for sharing...

  2. It's Destiny again. I was wondering if I could also use this photo for the same class project.

  3. Destiny - Please go ahead, and thanks again for asking. Let us know how it goes.

  4. Hey, It's Destiny. Thanks so much for letting me use your photos. Hopefully my project goes smoothly and I ace it. I was also wondering if I could use other pictures on this website if I find some I can use.
