Thursday, May 29, 2008

Friendship Tulips

I almost forgot to post a photo of my friendship tulips... Last fall, I found a fairly large bag of what looked like very pretty bi-colour tulips. So I decided to surprise my neighbour Helen, who has a wonderful little garden next to her driveway, which is quite underutilized (ever since she got tired of and removed the beautiful daffodils from there, and gave them to me). So I snuck over there, and planted up the tulips and also grape hyacinths in between (click the photo for a larger view). This Spring, we were all pleased with the result (photo from 2 weeks ago):
Beautiful tulip garden
My own were not as noticeable, tucked in between plants in my fairly crowded front garden:
Beautiful tulips tucked in a garden
Then when I visited my friend Lily 2 weeks ago, I noticed the same tulips in her front yard. I had forgotten that I had shared some with her also. So I guess they have truly become "friendship tulips".


  1. I enjoyed my visit.

  2. indeed they are "friendship tulips" and we tell everyone how our wonderful neighbor surprised us with these wonderful tulips. amidst your busy schedule for you to do this for us, we are grateful and feel so blessed. thanks Lily, from your neighbor Helen,
    ps. I actually cut out 3 tulips to pass to our other neighbor up the block to cheer her up when she was sick - Navdeep. so you're right, they are "friendship tulips", the gift that keeps on giving.
