Monday, October 03, 2011

Reifel Bird Sanctuary

Yesterday the family went for a drive and walked around the Reifel Bird Sanctuary in Ladner, BC.  As always, there were lots of different species of birds to look at, and to amuse myself, I took a few photos.

One of my favourites is always the black-capped chickadee:
There were a noticeable number of red-winged blackbirds yesterday :
We heard the tapping of this woodpecker before we spotted him:
This looks like a song sparrow, but it was too busy eating seeds to sing for us :
The mallards were there in the usual abundance :
I was amused by the great number of shore birds.  I know there were at least a few different species there, but to me they were all "sandpipers".  It was amusing to us that there was such a wide expanse of shallow water, that it gave the illusion that they were all walking on the water.
Here's a closer look :
This photo appears comical to me.  This little guy was stretching and flapping his wings, and looks a bit off-balance :
I kept noticing bushes with vibrant red berries along the road as we were driving, so I was glad there was one along the edge of the parking lot, so I could identify them as hawthorn berries :
Our walk in the Reifel Bird Sanctuary was peaceful (other than the kids goofing around and chasing each other).  The drive was also pleasant, past many farms and a few fields of bright orange pumpkins.  We were passed by a huge tractor/truck full of potatoes.  I somehow wasn't expecting to see potato farmers just 1/2 hour out of Vancouver proper!

I am trying to find my snow geese photos from a previous year.  That was quite a sight.  It must have been some time in November, since we remember the fields with some remaining pumpkins rotting on the ground.  We'll have to remember to make another trip out there soon.


  1. Śliczne zdjęcia ptaków. Wszystkie mi się podobają włącznie z wróbelkiem Pozdrawiam

  2. Wonderful pictures of the birds!!!I enjoyed my visit here!

  3. Dziękuję Giga! (Translation thanks to Google Translate).

    Thanks Dorothy for the visit, and for leaving a comment.
