Sunday, October 02, 2011

Garden Glimpses - Early October 2011

I have not posted many garden photos this year, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy in the garden, nor that I haven't added to my plant collection.  I wish I had taken more "before" and "after" photos of the garden beside the front driveway, but I am pleased with the progress I made in cleaning it up, and the new additions, mostly from Phoenix Perennials in Richmond, BC.  Here are just a few of them, which are blooming now.

This rosy beauty is Echinacea "Raspberry Truffle" :
Echinacea 'Raspberry Truffle'
This cheery yellow beauty is Echinacea "Now Cheesier".  I love coneflowers for their bold blooms, and strong stems which usually don't need any support :
Echinacea 'Now Cheesier'
This is a Schizostylis coccinea (Pink river lily).  This dramatic late-bloomer caught my attention last year at the UBC apple festival (which, by the way, is Oct 15 & 16 this year).  I bought a pink one, but I think I'll go back and buy a bright red one also :
Pink river lily (Schizostylis coccinea)
I wish I had taken more photos of the other additions.  I'll try again next summer.

The back yard is not without its colourful blooms, also.  Most notably are the gigantic sunflowers outside my kitchen window, which the squirrels have not raided yet (although I'm sure by now they've figured out my work schedule, so know when the opportune time will be) :
Sunflower giganteus
I made this yellow / purple arrangement from some of the available blooms a couple of weeks ago :
Purple / yellow garden flower arrangement


  1. Thx for the reminder about the Apple festival...we've always missed out on it, but I think we may be able to stop by this year.

  2. I just love echinaceas, and you have some very pretty ones. Love the bouquet!

  3. Tim - I hope the weather will cooperate. On a clear day, the UBC gardens are beautiful, even this late in the year. We hope to go Sunday afternoon. If you see and recognize me there, please say 'hi'.

    HolleyGarden - Thanks for visiting, and commenting.
