Thursday, April 15, 2010

April Garden Delights

This is the time of year I visually feast on the blossoms of my 12 little fruit trees (soon to be 14 or more, if I have any say in it).  Such as these apple blossoms on our espalier apple tree:
I so love this little tree - it bears a lot of fruit for its size, and looks so beautiful to me.
The espalier asian pear is fully in bloom also:
The Lapin cherry is loaded with blossoms this year:
There are many other delights in the garden also, such as this narcissus which is planted below my Rainier cherry tree:
I have 3 different colours of periwinkle; this one is the standard "periwinkle" color, but with variegated leaves:
I have a pink and a yellow flowering epimedium.  These are delightful little plants, which must be enjoyed from close range:
My Cornus canadensis took a number of years to really establish itself, but this year it is looking really good:
I forgot the name of this flower, but it has delightful dark leaves, and such a cheery yellow flower (the green leaves are from my climbing hydrangea, which not only climbs the wall, but has climbed across the bed also):
This Galium odoratum (sweet woodruff) is not exciting, but is a delicate contrast to the rock behind:
Finally, my Gunnera manicata was trying to push its way to freedom from underneath the rotten Winter protection of last year's foliage.... I set it free, to the horror of a million pillbugs which scurried away once exposed to the light:
All the best to everyone in their gardens this month!  For more Garden Blogger Blooms Day posts, be sure to visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens.


  1. I've just planted an espalier apple along a fence this month. which direction does yours face and have you had success with it? Great bloom day photos!

  2. I love your share of fruit trees... sometimes I think they are better then the bulbs that are blooming right now.

    Happy Spring!

  3. Delightful spring blooms ... do you ever make May wine with your sweet woodruff? I have huge beds and love this woodland plant <3

  4. Great tour. I really like the way you use your fence as a backdrop. I can tell you're having a great spring! :-)

  5. Stevie - That fence is on the NE side, so it gets sun nearly all day. The espaliers bear a lot of fruit, requiring thinning so that they have room to form. You can see the progression of my espaliers in this series of posts back to 2006.

    Bren - Thanks, the blossoms last only a short while, but they are beautiful.

    joey - Thanks, I had never heard of May wine, but I knew the sweet woodruff was "edible" in some way. I may try drying some as a potpourri to enjoy the fragrance.

    SG - Thanks. I wish I had more room along my fence to plant more espaliers.

  6. Love your garden!!!!! How is your multigraft asian pear doing, and do you have any current pictures to post?
