Saturday, April 04, 2009

Early Spring at Shadbolt Centre

Today our family took advantage of the good weather, and strolled the picturesque grounds around the Shadbolt Centre in Burnaby BC. The trails lead down and around Deer Lake. Here is a view across Deer Lake, to some of the residential towers near Metrotown (click any image for a slightly larger view):
View across Deer Lake in Burnaby BC
Everywhere there are signs of early spring, such as these bright yellow shoots of skunk cabbage:
Skunk cabbage in early spring
The daffodils are now blooming:
Daffodils and lamp stand
As were some bedding plants, such as these pansies:
Pansies near Shadbolt Centre
But what caught my attention today were the weird and spooky looking trees, such as this one, which looks like a bumpy monster screaming, and having a bad hair day:
Screaming tree
This one was pretty interesting too:
Spooky tree in the Picturesque Shadbolt Centre Grounds
But my favourite was this one, which looks like a very very contorted willow:
Very contorted willow tree
Here are a couple more images of this same tree:
Very contorted willow tree
Very contorted willow and daffodils
Our kids' favourite spot is the climbing structure, seen here in the background:
Climbing structure near Deer Lake in Burnaby
It makes for some pretty nice shots of the kids, I think, with the beautiful blue sky behind, and their natural (at least more natural than usual) smiles. Here are my little monkeys:
Handsome boy
Gorgeous girl
Could he get more handsome than this?
My happy beautiful girl
My handsome monkey

1 comment:

  1. ..Hey! thanks for sharing those lovely photos. What a cute daffodils you have here. they really blooming. i wish i could see one of those daffodils. by the way. i love those different photos of trees in your post. they all attractive. hope to read more.

