Tuesday, June 10, 2008

More Glimpses of Osoyoos, BC

The low rainfall levels in Osoyoos qualify it as the only "desert" area in Canada. But to its demise, the soil & weather conditions also make it a great place for vineyards and fruit orchards. So there is little of the true "desert" left, around the fringes of the town. It was such a neat experience, coming from the wet and lush Vancouver area, to visit such an arid place, and and for me to see the unique plants growing there.
Desert scenery
I didn't catch a name for this little grass, but isn't it gorgeous?
Desert grass
This is a sort of desert phlox, being only a few inches high, very tiny in comparison to any phlox I am familiar with:
Desert phlox
This tiny but cheery thread-leaved daisy (Erigeron filifolius) seemed to be everywhere in the desert areas:
Thread-leaved daisy
This Brittle Prickly-Pear Cactus (Optunia fragilis) was almost hidden in the desert grasses, but once we spotted it, we could also see it almost everywhere. A few of them were blooming, and many others bearing plump pinkish buds:
Brittle prickly-pear cactus in bloom
Closeup of cactus blooms
This wild rose didn't seem unique to the desert, but was beautiful also:

Finally, the classic "desert" scene (and note the clumps of Brittle Prickly-Pear Cactus):
Classic desert scene

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