Saturday, June 14, 2008

Garden Glimpses : Mid June 2008

June is a wonderful time of year, since the many blossoms are a-buzz with many fuzzy bumblebees. They are busy on the chives:
Bumblebee on chive flower
...and the Physocarpus opulifolius "diablo" (Diablo ninebark):
Bumblebee on Diablo ninebark
...and the Spanish lavender (Lavendula stoechas):
Bumblebee on Spanish lavender
...and the Geraniums (this first one is "Victor Reiter"):
Bumblebee on geranium Victor Reiter
Bee on geranium
...and the raspberries:
Bee on raspberry flower
The butterflies are now flitting about the garden also, like this cabbage butterfly, enjoying the osteospermum flowers:
Butterfly on osteospermum flower
Everywhere, there is the hope for summer fruit, such as these strawberries:
Strawberries - not quite ripe yet
...apples (on the espalier tree):
Small apples on the espalier tree
...and pears (Bartlett pears, in this case):
Bartlett pears - not yet ripe
The campanula glomerata is in full bloom, and looking beautiful this year (even if the long stems have flopped over again - each year I tell myself I need to do something to support them, maybe next year I will finally take action):
Campanula glomerata flowers
(As always, click any photo for a slightly larger view.)

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