Sunday, January 06, 2008

Garden Painting Progress - Finally!

I finally made some more progress on my garden painting, by admitting that I am simply not making any progress, since my painting of the lupines in February 2007, so we may as well hang it as is. So we went to Michaels a couple of days ago to buy the hardware to hang it.

Since the start of this project in January 2006, it had become a permanent fixture in our eating area, sitting on an sturdy easel (provided by my brother John), but recently has been feeling "in the way", and I've been scared it would one day be knocked down by the kids. It was no longer the conversation piece that it once was, other than to solicit "I don't see much change since the last time I was here" observations.

Here it is, on the wall:

Since it is hanging in our loft, it is visible from the entrance lobby:

Perhaps with seeing the painting on display, I'll be inspired to pick up the brushes again. Or at least, I can enjoy it in the meantime, while my current lifestyle doesn't allow for indulgences such as painting.


  1. that's a lovely flower painting.

  2. I like your picture quite a lot - it has a unique style to it. I hope your are inspired again soon!
