Saturday, January 26, 2008

5 Beautiful Fairies

Okay, I've learned a bit more.... How to duplicate objects, change colours... Now I've ended up with a set of 5 beautiful fairies (click for larger image):
5 Beautiful Fairies

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Fun with 3D Textures - Not Pretty!

Tonight I found a tutorial on how to use textures to create outfits for the 3D characters. I tried to create a Waldo outfit for Aiko, but didn't have much luck. After 2 tries, I got the stripes in roughly the right places, but my white seemed to be translated as "skin", so I tried off-white, still no luck (click for closeup):

So then I then just experimented with some random textures, had a bit of fun, the result is definitely not pretty, but I can see there is some good potential here:

Dragonfly Fairy

Oh my, this one is gorgeous, and I love dragonflies. I think her pose/posture is not quite there yet, but I love it already... What do you think? How would you improve this image (click for a larger view):
Dragonfly Fairy

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What are Toadstools Anyhow?

Hmmm... Ever wonder why they are called "toadstools"? Because toads like to sit on them, of course! Enjoy my latest DAZ 3D creation (click photo for larger image of these lounging tree frogs):

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Trio of Forest Fairies

It didn't take long tonight (less than an hour) to create a magical scene of a trio of beautiful fairies in the forest. Something to the right has captured their attention, and stopped them mid-flight (click the photo for a larger image).
Three beautiful fairies in the forest
What was that light? They had never seen one quite like it before....

Trio of forest fairies in the spotlight

Monday, January 21, 2008

Well Dressed Fairies

I got tired of the fairies being stuck in wet suits, and decided to buy them some dresses. What do you think (click photo for a larger image)?
beautiful fairies in mushroom scene

Monday, January 07, 2008

Fairies and Toadstools

It was just over a year ago I was pleased to discover and take photos of some beautiful spotted red mushrooms (the classic toadstools from the childrens fairy tales - see mushroom photos post), and thought this may make a good setting for my fairies. What do you think? (Click the image for a larger view.)

Hiro and Aiko fairies on mushroom
Here it is, in a puzzle:
Click to Mix and Solve

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Garden Painting Progress - Finally!

I finally made some more progress on my garden painting, by admitting that I am simply not making any progress, since my painting of the lupines in February 2007, so we may as well hang it as is. So we went to Michaels a couple of days ago to buy the hardware to hang it.

Since the start of this project in January 2006, it had become a permanent fixture in our eating area, sitting on an sturdy easel (provided by my brother John), but recently has been feeling "in the way", and I've been scared it would one day be knocked down by the kids. It was no longer the conversation piece that it once was, other than to solicit "I don't see much change since the last time I was here" observations.

Here it is, on the wall:

Since it is hanging in our loft, it is visible from the entrance lobby:

Perhaps with seeing the painting on display, I'll be inspired to pick up the brushes again. Or at least, I can enjoy it in the meantime, while my current lifestyle doesn't allow for indulgences such as painting.