Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Photos from Genoa Italy

I've already posted some photos from the beautiful Staglieno Cemetery.  But I took many more.  It was so dramatic, and so beautiful, I could have stayed even longer if the family had allowed.
Statues from the Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno in Genoa Italy.
Statues from the Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno in Genoa Italy.
Statues from the Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno in Genoa Italy.
Statues from the Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno in Genoa Italy.
Statues from the Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno in Genoa Italy.
Statues from the Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno in Genoa Italy.
Monument within the Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno in Genoa Italy.

At the entrance to the cemetery, there was a flower shop with beautiful silk flowers.
Beautiful silk flowers outside the Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno in Genoa Italy.

The other location we enjoyed in Genoa was the Castell d'Albertis (Albertis Castle).  It was the beautiful home of a sea captain, built on the remains of an old fortress.
Albertis Castle (Castell d'Albertis) in Genoa Italy.
 Albertis Castle (Castell d'Albertis) in Genoa Italy.

Some parts of the castle were still decorated as his beautiful home, with artifacts collected by the owner from his travels around the world.
Albertis Castle (Castell d'Albertis) in Genoa Italy.
 Albertis Castle (Castell d'Albertis) in Genoa Italy.
 Albertis Castle (Castell d'Albertis) in Genoa Italy.

I really liked this beauty on the balcony.
Albertis Castle (Castell d'Albertis) in Genoa Italy.
 Albertis Castle (Castell d'Albertis) in Genoa Italy.

The remainder of the castle was converted into a museum of world culture.  I was amused that the first exhibit was a totem pole...
Albertis Castle (Castell d'Albertis) in Genoa Italy.
...which looked very familiar to me, coming from the west coast of Canada.  Sure enough, the first exhibit area was of the Indians of the northwest of Canada and the United States :

The museum then covered south america, and continued to Australia, China, India, and various other parts of the world.  Lots of pottery and other hand crafts.

From the castle, we could again look down and see our cruise ship in port.
View to harbour from Albertis Castle (Castell d'Albertis) in Genoa Italy.
View to the port from the Albertis Castle (Castell d'Albertis) in Genoa Italy.
Love those palm trees also.  I think I would have liked a couple more days to explore more of Genoa.

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