Friday, August 01, 2014

Peach Harvest

When we planted our little Frost Peach tree a few years ago (in 2010), we didn't know how much fruit, if any, to expect.  I don't think I've ever had more than one to taste, and when I did, I picked it a bit early, so the squirrels wouldn't get to it first.  This year, the tree produced nine peaches!  Here is 7 of them:
I picked one earlier today, to sample it.  Wow!  It was really amazing, and I don't usually even like peaches, I prefer nectarines.  Very sweet and just juicy enough.  It separated nicely from the pit, as I like them.  Here are a few photos of that sample :
I'm really impressed.  The tree is still young, and very small.  It really doesn't look like it could bear so much fruit successfully :
I took photos of the peaches before picking them, since they look so beautiful on the tree:

Ha ha, this one is hiding next to our Black Veil Brides / Blood on the Dance Floor themed bird house.  That is a painting of Andy Biersack from BVB :


  1. The peaches look so sweet and delicious! It's a fun to harvest fruits in your own garden, isn't it.

  2. POIROT - Thanks for visiting. Yes, I enjoy those moments of "triumph", and yes, they are surprisingly sweet.
