Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Radishes and Raspberries

I am growing radishes this year, for the first time.  It is almost 4 weeks since I planted them, so today I finally remembered to check if any radishes are forming.  I was pleased to find some nicely formed radishes :
The one I tasted was quite peppery, so does that mean I should water them more often?  Or is it the variety?  I hear that the greens make a nice vegetable, but they are a bit prickly, so I won't try them raw, but I may collect some up and try sautéing/steaming them.

The raspberries continue to bear very nicely.  I am picking about 2 liters every 2 or 3 days.  I probably need to water them a bit more than I am doing, also.  It has been a heat wave here in Vancouver for the past 3 or 4 days.

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