Saturday, December 24, 2011

Spiny Leaf Insect Eating Molted Skin

'Twas two nights before Christmas, and rather than posting wishes for Peace on Earth and the Joy of the Season, she was posting videos of her spiny leaf insect eating her molted skin....

I was fascinated to find my spiny leaf bug this morning, hanging precariously from her molted skin.  I had missed the actual molt, but soon realized that she was eating her skin (no wonder I never find any in the cage, as I do with the stick bugs).  The whole process of chewing it, as she hung from it, took probably an hour.  I took two video clips, which I would like to share.  I promise to be more seasonal in upcoming posts.


  1. You are right - this is a 'different' sort of Christmas post, but very interesting. Have a happy holiday!

  2. hahaha! That's video. I've never seen that! Have a wonderful day...

  3. Entomologists everywhere are singing your praises. Here's a way to put the Christmas spin on it: Your insect is having its Christmas feast. :) I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  4. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!! Looking forward to more of your INTERESTING posts in 2012! :-)

  5. Thanks to all for your encouragement. Grace, I like that Christmas "spin", I wish I had thought of it. :-)

  6. While I admire her economy in not letting anything go to waste, I am not going to tell you this was pretty.
