Tuesday, November 29, 2011

O Christmas Tree - How Lovely Are Your Branches

We had convinced ourselves (at least I had) that we would buy an artificial tree this year.  After 7 years of a near-empty living room, we had finally filled it with wonderful furniture just after Christmas last year.  So I was sure we couldn't fit our usual monster tree anymore (see our trees from 2010 and 2009 and 2008), we would need a more "slim" tree.  And part of me dreaded those first couple of weeks, when the tree would need water 3 times per day - like a new baby in the family.

I searched high and low, and there were very few options for trees in the 12' + height.  A few posts on Craigslist, and a couple of trees in retail stores.  Nothing worked out.  So this weekend, we finally gave up and decided to get a real tree one more time.  I'm so glad we did.  This is not a great photo, but look at this beauty we found:
It is a bit shy of 12' this year, but a wonderful, strong (and very prickly!!) Grand Fir, beautifully cultured by what seemed to be a very kind and friendly Christian couple, who operate a small Christmas tree farm in a residential area of Surrey, BC (which is a shorter drive than we usually make, to get our tree).  Most of their trees are more in the standard manageable size, but they had a few tall ones which they posted on Craigslist, and were only asking $32 each.  What a deal, and a gorgeous tree.  I think it has narrower profile than many of the previous trees we've had, which was ideal this year.  With some rearranging of the furniture, we managed to fit it in the room very nicely.

So far, we only have lights on it, but this is not even December yet.  It feels like we are behind in just about everything else recently, but at least we are well ahead of our usual schedule for getting a Christmas tree!


  1. We're starting to think of a tree as well. Is it cut then and there, or do they sit in a lot? Do they wrap it for you, to prep it for putting on top of the car?

  2. Tim - The first couple of years, we bought pre-cut trees from a garden shop. But now we prefer to go to a tree farm where we can walk about and find the perfect tree, and have it freshly cut & hauled to our car. There is no need for wrapping, just good ropes/straps to tie it down to the roof of the car. That way, it stays nice and full. The smell of the fresh tree in the house is wonderful. Let me know if you want this address in Surrey, I can email it to you.

  3. Hi Garden Lily, we ended up getting a tree from home depot, as we did last year. Hauling a tree to Richmond at highway speeds on the roof of our sedan didn't seem like such a good idea, after all. There are u-cut tree lots out in Steveston that we may try out next year.

  4. I hope you're having a good time preparing for Christmas. Your beautiful tree surely lifts your spirits!
