Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fruit Tree Blossoms

The fruit tree are one month behind compared to last year, but at last they are bursting into blossoms.  Here is the asian pear espalier:
Asian pear espalier tree
The european pear espalier, being younger, is off to a good start (although it looks overwhelmed by the massive honesuckle vine behind it, which I keep trimmed back from the pear tree):
European pear espalier tree
The following shows my Frost peach tree (left) and Rainier cherry, with closeups of the blossoms.
Frost peach and Rainier cherry blossoms
In the mosaic below...

Top: Ribes odoratum (Missouri currant), which is loaded with more fragrant blooms every year, but disappointingly bears almost no currants.  I am sure I have seen pollinators in previous years (although this year will be pretty challenging, with every second day raining - today it rained very hard).

Bottom left : Lapin (dark) cherry blossoms, with yellow ribes blossoms behind.

Bottom right : One of my rhubarb plants looks like it will flower this year.  I am reading that this should be discouraged, by removing the flower.  So I'll keep my eye on it.  Perhaps capture a few more photos, before I take such drastic action.
Currant and cherry blooms
My new garden path is looking pretty nice, with the peonies and hostas just starting to shoot up on both sides.
Garden path in early spring
The weeping cherry (Prunus "Snofozam" or "Snow fountains") in the center is barely visible.  A couple of weeks ago, it was the only tree in full bloom:
Prunus 'Snow Fountains'
The Alchemilla mollis (Lady's mantle) is not a showy plant, but I love the way it holds beads of rain:
Lady's mantle with beads of rain
Finally, since I tackle various parts of my garden at random, so often forgot to capture "before" and "after" photos, these are kinda "mid" photos - I've done some cleanup (as evidenced by soil being visible, which it would not have been in the "before" scene), but still have much to do, so it is not really "after".  I am clearing out sections of rampant bluebells, removing (and finding good homes for) daylilies which have spread too far, and removing chunks of fall asters which are too widespread, leaving instead tidier "clumps" of them.  It feels good to finally make some progress on this section of garden:
Early spring garden cleanup

1 comment:

  1. I am very inspired from your gardening, i like these photos and i like it..
    Thanks for sharing..
