Friday, March 18, 2011

What's Bloomin' in March?

I am a few days late for the March Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, but I hope Carol of May Dreams Gardens will forgive my tagging along, once the rain finally cleared, and I had a chance to search the garden for blooms.

I was happy to see a few signs of Spring.  The weather is still very cold, for March, and the snow line is very low in the local mountains.  Every year I have a crocus or two emerge from this corner of my garden, and I love the contrast of the cheery yellow against the dreariness of the fallen gunnera leaves:
Crocus and gunnera
This Winter Aconite (Eranthis) is smaller than I remember buying it last year, but it was delightful to find this tiny bloom peeking from my native/shade garden:
Winter Aconite
These mini irises are so cheery surrounding my granite bench.  I hope they will naturalize and fill the area:
Mini irises and stone bench
This emerging sedum is not a bloom, but the little rosettes almost look like blooms:
Emerging sedum
My Missouri currant (Ribes odoratum) is not quite in bloom yet.  I wonder if it will tease me again this year with loads of flowers but next to no fruit?
Missouri currant
I noticed today that the flowers of the male Skimmia are actually quite pretty, and dainty:
Male skimmia flowers
Although I originally bought the males to keep the females in berry:
Female skimmia berries
The winter pink in this little sedum is so colourful, contrasting with the golden thyme, that it looks a bit like a bloom.  In the summer, the sedum will be silver blue:
Sedum and thyme groundcovers
I love my Petasites frigidus, but I find the flowers which emerge before the leaves a bit creepy looking.  When they get tall enough, I will cut them down, otherwise they will send seeds (which have little umbrellas like dandelion seeds) flying everywhere.
Petasites frigidus flowers
I hope Carol will forgive me - not only late, but also showing off my non-blooms, too.

Looking at other garden bloggers blooms, I am longing even more for Spring to arrive at last. All the best to everyone in their gardens this year!


  1. The male skimmia is quite pretty - such dainty little blooms, and a nice color. You have some very interesting plants in your garden.

  2. Look at you - Spring is beginning to make itself known! I love those little aconites. I just returned from a walk with a friend where we spotted those cute little jewels! Happy Spring!! SG
