Tuesday, February 15, 2011

GBBD February 2011

The rain finally subsided this morning, so I was able to run to the top of the yard to dump my kitchen compost bin.  As I stepped outside, I realized it was Garden Blogger's Bloom Day hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.  So I returned and took the camera with me.

The crocuses (does anyone say "croci"?) under the Fuyu Persimmon would be blooming if there were any sun to speak of.  But not this overcast morning.
I did find one mini iris blooming next to my granite garden bench.
Mini iris
At this point in the season, there are plenty of hopeful signs of new growth, but the garden "bones" of bare tree branches, evergreen bushes and the occasional garden decoration, dominate the garden view.  I like the shadow these decorations cast on the fence (on a sunnier morning a couple of weeks ago).
Garden decorations
Garden decorations
One evening last week, the setting sun lit up my contorted shrub (the name is not coming to me at the moment) in the front yard.  Although the photo doesn't fully capture the golden glow I saw, it conveys some of the magic of that moment.
Glowing bare contorted shrub
Here's to dreaming of Spring!


  1. Great photos and some really interesting ones too. Thanks for sharing.

    Goldenray Yorkies

  2. I love the mini irises! I planted some by my walkway last year and they are now in full bloom. I really like your fence decor too! I am new to garden blogging and will look forward to seeing more of your garden as the seasons progress. (also love your garden fairies!)

  3. Oh I know what you mean about the golden glow. It's so hard to capture properly. I love your dragonfly decorations!
