Monday, January 31, 2011

Stream of Dreams Mural

In September, the kids and I painted wooden fish for a Stream of Dreams mural, during the World Rivers Day celebration in Burnaby, BC.
Painted fish
Painted fish
Painted fish
We were told to watch for our fish to be displayed on a fence in the park in the near future.  But we didn't return to the Fraser Foreshore Park.  At least, not until this weekend, when we went for a walk on the beautiful clear Sunday afternoon, and discovered our fish, in a Stream of Dreams mural.  We were happy to find our fish swimming happily in the stream:
Stream of Dreams mural
Stream of Dreams mural
Stream of Dreams mural
For more photos of this particular mural, see this page, or to learn more about the Stream of Dreams, see their website.


  1. We have those at our Elementary schools here on the Island - they sure do lighten up a boring old fence!
