Sunday, August 22, 2010

Colour Mosaic Monday : YELLOW

I may have some mixed feelings about the colour ORANGE from last week's theme, but I think it would be hard NOT to like this week's colour: YELLOW.  Yellow is so bright and cheery and is the colour of our life sustaining Sun.  Jen at unglazed may not have kicked off this week's theme yet, but I've got my yellow mosaic ready and I'm posting already on Sunday night (click any photo for a slightly larger view):
Yellow mosaic
While we're on the yellow theme, I would like to also post my answer to this Spring's dilemna about what to plant in the front yard, against the granite-faced porch.  I decided to plant sunflowers, and I like the way they turned out:
There are about 8 plants, but since I started them in pots, and transferred each one when it looked ready, starting from the left side, they ended up like a line of school kids, arranged from tallest to shortest.  Unfortunately, the faces ended up pretty small (perhaps since it has been so dry, and I didn't keep up with watering them enough), but they got the good height (the tallest is maybe 10') which I was hoping for.

I'm also pleased to participate with this week's Monday Mosaic at Little Red House.  Stop by this week for more creative and colourful (not just yellow) mosaics.


  1. I love your yellow flowers and these mosaics are lovely.

  2. Yellow is such a cheerful color, love the yellow bird house and the bouquet of flowers. Great mosaic for yellow. Enjoy your week.

  3. Yellow is my favorite color so I really love your mosaic! Makes me smile...

  4. Yellow is a great colour in the garden! So alive, so fresh! Love the sunflowers. I had a terrible time with them this year. The kids seedlings didn't make it. I think there is only two left :(
