Monday, August 16, 2010

Colour Mosaic Monday : ORANGE

I recently stumbled across Jen's 8 week Crayola Colour meme on her unglazed blog, and decided to participate.  I missed last week's theme of RED, but I am happy to join in for some Orange photos today.

The following is a mosaic of flowers from my garden, including daylilies, asiatic lilies, and martagon lilies (given to me by my Taiwanese friend Lily, whose mom grows them in her garden and eats the bulbs - myself, I find them far too pretty to think about eating them!):
Orange flower mosaic
The other orange mosaic is a miscellany of non-garden photos, including the kids wearing their bright orange vests on a canoe adventure last year across the Barnet Inlet to Indian Arm, a little pumpkin I prepared at Hallowe'en, some golden raspberries (okay, those are from my garden!), and a house sparrow (see the bottom of the "W") who found a great nest location in the safety of a Mark's Work WearHouse sign:
Orange photo mosaic
Today is also Mosaic Monday hosted by Mary at the Little Red House.  Enjoy!


  1. Lovely Oranges Gaarden Lily! Thanks for playing along!

  2. Those flowers are just beautiful. If any of those are "weed" I casn't tell. :-)

    And so happy to find out about the colors meme...I love color memes but hadn't found one for every color yet (found 2 for red, one for yellow, one for blue, and one for white and black...but none for green, purple, and orange. How fun to find this one!)

  3. You have some wonderful orange pics!
