Monday, July 05, 2010

Bear Grass Surprise at Mt Hood, OR

Our family just returned tonight from a wonderful 4 night vacation near Mt Hood, Oregon.  We spent some time hiking, visiting various waterfalls and lakes and other viewpoints, and relaxing at the Mount Hood Resort, mini-golfing, playing tennis, and enjoying some wonderful spa treatments.

Most of the native plants and wildflowers were quite familiar to me, theirs being a very similar climate to ours along the west coast of BC.  But one which I had never seen before, and which really impressed me, was the Bear Grass (Xerophyllum tenax), as featured in the following mosaic.  It was my husband who first spotted the white spider (Goldenrod Crab Spider or Misumena vatia) hiding in one of the blooms (rightmost photo), successful at catching an unsuspecting visitor.  After that, we found many of the blooms inhabited by that spider, many of them successful also.  Click the photo mosaic for a larger view.
Bear grass
I took many photos of the native plants along the trails, including trilliums, Cornus canadensis (bunchberry), Adiantum aleuticum (western maidenhair fern), and the beautiful pink rhododendrons which grew wild in the forests near the base of Mt Hood.  I hope to post more photos soon, but since it's after midnight, it will need to wait for another day.

For more photo mosaics, be sure to visit this week's Mosaic Monday at Little Red House.


  1. Oh what a beautiful plant! Thanks for sharing your lovely images at MM. :)

  2. Beautiful, the shots are wonderful. Hope you get a good nights rest and have a wonderful week.

  3. That's an interesting wildflower! I've never seen it before. Great pictures!

  4. Lovely mosaic and what a fun get away! Mount Hood is such a pretty place. :)

  5. What an interesting plant. I love the little white hat of a bloom. Wonderful.

  6. Good eye in finding this treasure...walks in the woods are so rewarding!Love the white mosaic!

  7. Very unusual white plant. Amazing you spotted that white spider on the white bloom. Great shots!
