Monday, June 14, 2010

Skimmers, Raspberries, Fuzzy Navels and Magical Garden Lights

I somehow managed to hurt my left shoulder today, so decided to be careful and not go into the garden after work. But then I saw this little beauty sitting on my retaining wall, and next thing I knew, I was walking about, then doing a bit of weeding. I believe this is some sort of "Skimmer" dragonfly. It is not common in my yard.  I think I've only seen it once before.  I hope he visits more often.
My son David was anxious to try out his gardening gloves we bought on the weekend.  He was the one asking me today whether we could go into the garden. He enthusiastically pulled a LOT of weeds and some very large horsetails. He is a wonderful helper for me.  I hope he continues to enjoy gardening.

Earlier in the spring, I had my landscaper help me clean up my raspberry patch, since it was overgrown with various weeds, had no room to expand, and was getting hard to wade in to pick the berries. Now it is in two neat rows, but the plants suffered quite a bit from being pulled up and replanted, especially since it was a sunny warm week when we did it (unfortunately, I didn't have much control over the timing).

I knew there would be at least a temporary setback in fruit production.  Sure enough, for some while, the plants have looked quite sad, although they did manage to still put out a number of flowers, and the bumblebees have been busy pollinating.  Today I noticed the first few ripe berries.  Perhaps I've been forgiven.  I'm relieved.  Plants are wonderfully resilient.

I'm still anxiously watching my little peaches.  This is the largest one.  I hold my hand close to it for size reference, but I dare not touch it.
My landscaper came and cut the lawn today, and connected the low voltage wire through the path lights I had set up.  Unfortunately, he didn't connect the 3 spotlights.  That will be next time.  But he did plug in the transformer before he left.  I had almost forgotten, and looked outside while the kids were getting ready for bed, and noticed the inviting glow of the lights.  I had to run out to take a photo or two or three...  What do you think, is it magical yet?


  1. Absolutely magical.You've done a wonderful job! I love having a quiet place to enjoy those summer nights!

  2. Garden Lily, if it's Not Magical, it's so close I can't tell the difference! ;-) Enjoy!! And Happy Gardening!

  3. Your garden looks very nice. You are lucky to have your son help you; our grandson helped last summer but he's 16 this year and has a girlfriend.
    It's so pleasant to sit out on a nice summer night.
