Saturday, May 29, 2010

New Header : 2 x 6 Mosaic

I admire many blogs which have wonderful lush or creative images in their header, but it wasn't until very recently that I even realized that I have been blogging for more than 4 years now, and haven't yet added a header image.  So I have decided to correct that.

I have added a mosaic of some of my garden photos, as a starting point.  Although it does provide some "flavor" of my garden, and some of my favorites, I'm not particularly happy with it.  It is too busy, and the colors don't blend as well as they could.  I think ultimately I'll settle on a single image, but that may take another 3 or 4 years, at the rate I'm going.  :-)  Thanks to all of you for bearing with me, and providing encouragement, as I share this blog with you.


  1. Four years - you've beat me by a Whole Year!! Great going. :-) I like your new header. Enjoy this memorial day weekend.

  2. I love your collage! So fun and full of colour! Single images are great, but It can take forever to decide on a background image for a header. At least it did for me. Yet I'm still unsatisfied with mine.

  3. Thanks SG and Laura. Laura, I like the image in your Dandelion Wrangler header, it is an open invitation to sit down and take a look at your garden. Some artistry could enhance the font readability, but the image is great.
