Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mosaic Monday : Postcards of Alaska

My husband and I recently returned from our 7 night Alaska cruise for our anniversary, so I am pleased to post a few photos (click any mosaic for a larger image).

Here is a little mosaic from Skagway and Ketchican:
Alaska mosaic
We were able to enjoy two hikes, one from Juneau which climbed fairly high and had views of the Mendenhall Glacier.  The other from Skagway, up the Chilcoot Trail, and then a gentle river raft ride down.

The forest and plants looked very familiar, very similar to what we have on the Westcoast.  Clockwise from top right : 1) mossy trees 2) cup lichen 3) shelf fungus 4) sapsucker holes in a live tree 5) bark chewed by a porcupine 6) moss "man" in the tree which caught my imagination.

Alaska flora mosaic
We had soon pretty good views of glaciers and icebergs.  Clockwise from top left : 1) Closeup of Marjorie Glacier 2) Seagulls on iceberg 3) Smaller  4) Smallest 5) Mendenhall Glacier 6) Waterfall in Glacier Bay 7) Cruise ship in Glacier Bay 8) Mendenhall Glacier 9) Waterfall.

Alaska glacier mosaic
I'd highly recommend the Alaska cruise from Vancouver.

For more mosaics, see this week's collection for Mosaic Monday at Little Red House.


  1. Hi;
    What fun! I saw a few of these sites on my visit to Alaska. I'd love to get back there to do some more exploring. :D

  2. I haven't been to the Southeast "panhandle" in years. It really is quite different weather wise than much of the rest of our state. They are more temperate rainforest whereas we are quite dry (16"/yr). Which means their plants are that much more lush than mine...maybe some rainclouds will blow up our way;)

    Christine in Anchorage, Alaska

  3. Beautiful photos and scenes from Alaska! It is a beautiful place!

  4. Thanks to all for your encouraging comments. Christine - Yes, I surprised too that the weather there was very similar to "home" in Vancouver, BC.

  5. These photos are just breathtaking. Someday I shall go to Alaska--I've had a hankering to go there since I was a teenager! You're right, there's a lot of flora and fauna that looks like what grows here in the Pacific Northwest.

    Lovely lovely! And Happy Anniversary!

  6. Welcome back Garden Lily! That cruise must've been a dream. I've heard nothing but good things about the Alaskan cruise. The glacier-wow!

    It is most interesting about the wasps below. I disturbed an underground nest of paper wasps last fall and that was a big deal. Good thing it was cool and I did not get stung. I don't know much about them but learning. I can see where the wood would provide them the fiber they need for their nest. Good investigating!

  7. Wow, it looks like an amazing trip! :)

  8. If I was to do a cruise, this is the one I'd want to take. Currently, we are very much home bodies. Plus, D has been working every summer for the last 3-4 years as in April-September.

    Looks like you had a lovely time.
