Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 2010 Garden Mosaic

I have been following with delight the wonderful mosaics hosted by Mary at little red house, and thanks to Mary for recommending to me the Mosaic Maker at Big Huge Labs, I have now given it a try.  This is a sampling of April blossoms from my garden.  Enjoy!
Spring blossom mosaic
For more wonderful mosaics posted this week, see this post.

Note that with a free membership at Big Huge Labs, you don't need to have a Flickr account, you can upload photos directly from your computer, and also save them for future mosaics.


  1. Oh, this is so lovely! Your garden must be so beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing at MM. :)

  2. I've been wondering how bloggers make those...thanks! (The only mosaic I could make now is dead foliage and snow, ugh.)

    Christine in Alaska

  3. Hi! I stumbled accross your awesome blog quite some time ago and find mysef coming back to visit often. I love plants and gardening also, though you are way ahead of me. I live in Salem, Oregon so we enjoy the same type of weather. Thought I would say hi. My name is Karen.

  4. Very pretty mosaic. Happy Spring! :-)

  5. Thank you all for stopping by and for your kind remarks.

    Karen - Yes, we're practically neighbours.
