Monday, March 22, 2010

Mosaic Monday : Fruit Blossoms

I love this time of year when the fruit blossoms are bursting open, so I thought I'd combine fruit blossoms in my first attempt at a mosaic (clockwise from top left - Missouri currant, Asian pear, Frost peach, espalier asian pear (three varieties in horizontal cordon form), cherry buds getting ready to pop).

Spring photo mosaic of fruit blossoms
If anyone has some tips on how to mosaic, I'd love to hear.  I found some sort of photo-collage feature in Photoshop, but I didn't like how it worked, so I'd like to try different software - or methods - next time.

For more wonderful Spring mosaics, but sure to visit the Little Red House.

I wanted to also share my yellow and blue spring flower arrangement (the colours of the Ukrainian flag), which I prepared from my garden this weekend, to match the Ukrainian themed birthday party my sister Rose planned and prepared (and we hosted) for my Dad's 75th birthday on the weekend.
Beautiful sister Rose
I love to underplant the fruit trees with spring flowers such as daffodils, which are in bloom while the fruit trees are just "waking up" and budding.  And a few of them came in handy for the arrangement.
Daffodil underplanting
The other yellow twigs were from the Ribes odoratum (Missouri currant) bush which is living up to its name with a wonderful sweet fragrance.  Here is a photo of my sister Rose visiting the bush during her walk-about through my garden (I treat - or, as my husband thinks, torment - nearly all my visitors with a "tour of the garden").

Ribes odoratum
I should have spent a moment to lighten up this next photo, which shows my miniature irises popping up below my cherished granite bench.  I'm very pleased with this effect.
Mini irises and granite garden bench
I just bought this gold-laced primula this Spring, and it looks happy in the garden.  A tree peony (it has wonderful white blossoms, and I think I counted at least 5 buds this year) is visible in the background.
Goldlace primula
I am super excited that the "weeping cherry" (Prunus "snofozam" or "Snow Fountains") is already budding and starting to flower.  It looked pretty dormant when I planted it a few weeks ago.
Weeping cherry
The fairy garden has survived two winters now, and looks none the worse for wear.  I guess I'm a pretty good builder, on a small scale anyhow.  Its stone path, though, is almost completely covered in sedums.  (The blue bowl is supposed to look like an outdoor "hot tub".  The little miniature "Christmas tree" is next to it.)
Fairy house
So many signs of Spring.   Even the Gunnera is waking up, and sending up a hand-like shoot from beneath last year's crumpled foliage (In the Fall, I fold the leaves over the crown to protect it from the Winter cold).
Gunnera in early Spring
All the best of Spring gardening to everyone!


Carol said...

Lovely spring pictures! Have a great week!

Snap said...

Lovely garden! So much of our backyard did not make it through our winter. I will enjoy replanting. Love the fairy garden. I may have to add that when I replant! Happy Spring!

Amanda at 32˙North said...

I've always loved the color combination of blue and yellow, too. Your garden is wonderful!


O.I.M said...

Your garden is looking great. Wish I had more room for fruit trees. Sigh. Nice effect with the iris under the bench. And I'm so have a gunnera! Absolutely love it.

Anonymous said...

This time of year I would LOVE to live in Vancouver! Spring is gorgeous there. How lucky you are!

Garden Lily said...

Thanks to all for your kind words.

Irena - I remember seeing a gunnera as a kid, and thought it was a "giant rhubarb". At the time I didn't dream I'd have one in my garden, but when I had that opportunity, I jumped on it. Plant envy - unless I don't have room for something - can be solved by buying one. Sometimes in a very small pot, and being patient. Or by trade. Or starting by seed. But I found that it brings much joy to collect and surround myself with the plants which I love. I hope you will acquire a gunnera too, it is a beautiful thing to behold.

Organic Gardening Plants said...

Your flower arrangment looks very good. This blog helps me to be more inspired on my gardening. I also love the spring time because the new flowers are beginning to come out.

Steve said...

fairy garden house is really cool

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