Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lighthouse Park, North Vancouver

This afternoon, between the Canadian Men's Hockey Team gold medal win, and the 2010 Olympics closing ceremonies, we decided to go for a hike in Lighthouse Park.
I love Lighthouse Park in Spring, since it is a scenic walk through a coniferous forest, with native underbrush (salmonberries and such) but without the annoying alders which usually line walkways and parks and other areas which have been disturbed or cleared. I am allergic to alder pollen, and starting - surprisingly late this year, considering the mild winter we've had - to feel the irritation of allergies.

We started out late, arriving at the park some time between 4:30 and 5pm. We took the trail down, to our first lookout, toward downtown Vancouver, with the faded outline of Mount Baker - which is actually some distance away in Washington State - appearing to tower above the city.

View to Vancouver from Lighthouse Park
Then on to the overlook toward the lighthouse itself.
Lighthouse ParkLighthouse Park
Then on to my favourite part, where we climb out onto a rocky outcrop, on the edge of the ocean.  It is especially refreshing in early summer, to sit on the warm rock, and enjoy the sun and gentle breeze on your face, while resting up for the hike back.

We were amused by this line of diving ducks...
Then as I was taking their photo, they started to dive one-by-one, still in line.
The low angle of the sun made for some fun photos, such as this one of our kids enjoying their pop together.
And thanks to our friend Betty, some romantic photos together also.
The sun was setting, as we watched our little flock of ducks floating out on the calm waters.
We enjoyed a last look at the setting sun through the trees, on our hike back to the parking lot.
We arrived back before it was too dark, the hike around the loop trail being approximately 1 hour.  We arrived back home (actually, at Fresh Slice on the way home) a bit too late to see the start of the Closing Ceremonies, which is why the kids are still up now, watching a replay of the first part of it.


  1. Congrats on kickin' our butts in hockey! :) Great pics. Love the lighthouse...

  2. Kate - Thanks. I'm not a huge hockey fan (I could get deported for that comment!) but that was one exciting game - a real nail-biter to the end. Both Canada and US teams should be very proud of their performance. Both were winners that day, it was just a matter of the colour of the medal.
