Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bonsai Inspiration

Even with the mild weather allowing me to get started on Spring cleanup in the garden, my imagination is still captured by the idea of trying out the art of bonsai.

In addition to the Reader's Digest "Bonsai Secrets" by Peter Chan which I recently brought home from the public library, I decided to "surf" for some more ideas on varieties of plants and bonsai styles.

There were some nice examples of bonsai which caught my eye, many of them on a site called The Art of Bonsai Project. Some of my favourites are shown here.

Bucida spinosa (Black olive), from this page

Azalea "Nisho no Hikari" by Wolfgang Putz, on this page

Pinus mugo (Mugo pine) by Walter Pall, on this page

Acer palmatum (Japanese maple) by Walter Pall, on this page

Juniperis chinensis (Chinese juniper) by Cheng Cheng-Kung, on this page

Pyracantha (Firethorn) by Robert Kempinski, on this page

Ulmus parvifolia (Chinese elm) by Qingquan Zhao, on this page

Ficus nerifolia (Weeping ficus) by Ed Trout, on this page

Cotoneaster by Dan Barton, on this page

"Meyers" juniper by Dan Barton, on this page
I hope these images will stir and inspire you, as they did me. For any of you who own or have created bonsai, I would love to see photos. Please feel free to post links in the comments section.

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