Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

I hope you all are having a Merry Christmas.

All is quiet in our house, with the kids happily playing with their new toys, so I decided to stop in on my favourite blogs.

I enjoyed a lovely Celtic performance of Carol of the Bells shared by Shady Gardener. Which reminded me of the Carol of the Bells in the Claymation Christmas Special, which I recorded from the TV a very very long time ago, and used to play it every year. Recently I had been telling my kids about it, but hadn't thought to look for it on You Tube. Sure enough, here it is - enjoy!:

Merry Christmas everyone. And best wishes for 2010.


  1. Oh, that's so cute! Thanks for sharing! I hope you're having a nice, relaxing weekend after the craziness of Christmas. :)

  2. Hello there Garden Lily! It's so nice to think I inspired you to think of this funny claymation video! It is so funny - I sent the Youtube URL to our Choir Director! ;-) I really like your blog. Have a great time with your family before they head back to school!
