Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fallen into Etsy

I keep telling myself I'll go to bed earlier one night. Tonight was looking hopeful, until my evening read of my favourite blogs led me into Etsy, where my love of art and homemade crafts pulled me deeper and deeper... If it weren't for prohibitive shipping charges on the small items, the USD to CAD exchange, and that some items don't ship into Canada, I may have placed an order by now. But did fall into a time warp - somehow time just disappeared!

Look at all the wonderful items and sellers I have discovered (photos used without explicit permission, so if any seller would like me to remove theirs - let me know).

I love dragonflies, so this vinyl decal at Wilson Graphics for $1.50 USD or 25 for $25.00 caught my attention. They also sell beautiful butterfly decals and many other designs.
Designs by Kim offers 2 beaded dragonflies for $5.00 USD:
Beaded dragonflies
I took a look for any local artists, and found TamlinSky in Vancouver, who does some wonderful nature and funky monster paintings on silk. I love the vivid colours. The dragonfly card for $5.50 USD caught my attention.
Dragonfly on silk
...although what I loved even more was this 22 inch "Arbutus over Howe Sound" painting on silk, asking $200 USD:
Silk painting
Right up there with my love of dragonflies is my fascination with lizards, so this trinket bowl for $11.00 USD by My Mother's Garden caught my eye, except I would want a much bigger plate:
Lizard plate
Look at these cute crocheted gecko bookmarks by Friendlyhands, $5.00 USD and free shipping:
Crocheted geckos
So much fun! If I had more time, I would be truly inspired to create some neat stuff myself.

It's 10 minutes before midnight, so if I hurry, I can still go to bed "early".


  1. I've been scheming over a few vintage aprons I found on etsy. Love that place!

  2. Wow I really like those pictures some are really cute.

