Friday, October 30, 2009

Garden Project : Day 2

I was pleased on Wed to see my landscaping crew of 2 arrive at 10am, and resume my garden project. They were scheduled to come Thursday, but the weather was clear during the day on Wednesday, and it was expected to rain after that - which it did.

When I returned from work on Wed, I saw that they had fixed the drainage issue, levelled the soil, and laid out a hose in what they were imagining the walkway location to be:

Garden path planning
Garden path planning
So I attached a second hose, and expanded it to what I am imagining:
Garden path planning
Garden path planning
Actually, I may want to scale that back a little on the lower side, near the Sweet Gum and Maple trees, to allow room for them to grow out, and not block the path. But I figure that while we're at it, we may as well do it right, and provide a nice island garden (with bench) in the center of the path.

The plan will be to set some stones in the lawn to connect between the stone stairway, and the garden path. Then at the entrance to the garden pathway, I am imagining an arbour. And high plantings on either side, to give it the "secret garden" feel. What do you think?

Good thing they came Wednesday, since I've been very sick since then, and yesterday hardly left the sofa. Some sort of flu, but not the dreaded H1N1, I don't think. Nasty cough, fever, aching all over. Today I'm feeling much better, I think mainly because I'm taking Advil to keep the fever under control.

But last night my son reported a sore throat, and was coughing hard during the night and also had a fever in the morning, so he's my little companion in sickness at home today. I hope we're through the worst of it, and the other two don't join us. Between the weather (scattered showers and 80% P.O.P. predicted for Saturday) and sickness, I don't think this will be a very fun Hallowe'en.


  1. this is going to look fantastic when you are done!!!

  2. I just read through your last couple of posts. This is going to look great! It must be fun to see it coming together.
    Hope you're all healthy at your house soon.

  3. Hope you get better right away. The layout of the walkway looks great!

  4. Well, all I can say is, I love your garden. I am also planning to make changes in my garden. I am well inspired by this post. Thanks for sharing this post. Keep posting!

