Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cheam Lake, Agassiz

On the weekend, our family found ourselves taking an easy stroll around Cheam Lake in Agassiz BC. The last time we were there, we were enchanted by the many damselflies. This time they were noticeably absent. So I was excited when my son called to me to come look, and he had spotted this gorgeous red dragonfly on a post:
Red dragonfly
This gave us a chuckle, imagining the birds telling each other their addresses.
Bird box addresses
A neighbouring house (with a wonderful yard) must have a wonderful view of the lake - and the view back toward the house is pretty neat, too.
House near the Lake
Bittersweet nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) berries are poisonous, but they sure look delicious:
Bittersweet nightshade berries


  1. It looks like a very pastoral, serene place. The house in the distance makes the whole scene look like a fictionalized painting. Yes those berries, like the poison apple. Beautiful but do not eat. :)

  2. What lovely photos. This looks like a beautiful place to visit.
