Monday, August 10, 2009

Wildflowers at Mt Baker, WA

One of our favourite places to hike (and ski!) is Mount Baker in Washington State. It is only a couple of hours away by car. But somehow we haven't made it up there for a few years. So when we had the opportunity to go this weekend, and also take my sister, who hasn't been to the top (Artist's Point), we were happy to go, even if the weather was a bit overcast.

Mt Baker is an exciting place, since it is snowed in most of the year, so the road up to Artist's Point may only open for a very short portion of the year (in August and early September), before the snow starts again. So there are always some patches of snow to enjoy (which is a really neat treat in the heat of the summer), and it seems all the wildflowers are in a rush to bloom at once (and there are miniature wild blueberries too!).

This time, we drove up into clouds, so it was "half" the experience. A pretty trail through wildflowers, but with no surrounding rugged snow-capped peaks for view. It was different. I hope my sister has another chance to visit and see it on a clear day, with the beautiful peaks - maybe next year.

The family had to stop and wait for me a number of times while I snapped flower photos (and catch my breath, too - it's been a while since I've been hiking, because of all the problems with my feet this last year). I hope you enjoy them! As always, click on the photo for a slightly larger view (although perhaps I reduced some of them too much, so the misty & dewy effect is not visible):
Wildflowers at Mt Baker


  1. Oooh, the pics are lovely! You captured the mist & wild flowers so beautifully. Pick me up next time you go, please? :-)

  2. It looks like it was "like being in a dream". Count me in, I wanna go.

  3. Wow, what a gorgeous area in which you live (pout pout). I miss the mountains from where my niece lives in CO! Michigan is flat.

  4. What a wonderful place to hike! It looks very dramatic and steep, and what a wealth of plantlife!

    Thank you for your kind comments on my blog.

  5. Thank you all for your encouraging words. I hope you will all have a chance to visit the Pacific Northwest area, and enjoy the coastal mountains. In Vancouver (BC) we're pretty spoiled that way - from our house we have a great view of the mountains to the north, and in the winter, can see the lights of 3 downhill ski areas. Many people also have a great view of Mt Baker to the southeast.
