Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Fairy House and Hot Tub - Why Not?

I am still having fun expanding on our fairy garden, and recently installed a "pool" and "hot tub". I found some blue acrylic dishes which serve the purpose, and filled them with water. What do you think?

Fairy house and garden - now with pool
Fairy house from above
To see more photos of the fairy house, including its construction, click the "fairy house" link on the left margin on the blog or click here.

Lately, whenever I have a chance, even if its late in the evening or on Saturday mornings, I find myself in the garden pulling weeds. But please don't feel sorry for me, I love pulling weeds, and find it very therapeutic. I wish I remembered to take a few more "before" photos, because I love to see my progress. Recently, it was clearing under the fruit trees again, here is a "before" of the base of my apple tree:
Base of apple tree in weeds
...and an "after" photo:
Base of apple tree after weeding
The trick with weeding is not to try to do it all in one day. For me, I just tackle one spot at a time, and do what I can, enjoying the hard work, and the satisfaction of seeing the improvement. I'm not worried that I will never "keep up". There will always be lots to do, which is not a problem for me.

Of course, there are other rewards of gardening along the way. The strawberries are just starting to get ripe, and I have lots of strawberry plants this year:
Strawberry plant
I started last week to sample the occasional one while gardening. But tonight when I went out to put on a sprinkler, I found enough to bring in a handful for the kids:
Handful of strawberries
The raspberries will also not be long now, I can see the green berries forming. Sweet!


  1. the fairy house is looking good. the stone path is just adorable. good job with the weeding. I know what you mean about enjoying its therapeutic qualities. I like to do small sections at a time too. it makes me feel like I have accomplished something when I finish a small job. if I go big and try to finish it all it becomes an exercise in defeat.

  2. Irena - Thanks for your encouragement on the fairy house. I've been pleased with how it developed this year, but already afraid it will be completely overgrown by next year! :-)


  3. I love the fairy garden! For a moment, I was thinking that it looked like a set for the next "Survivor" series. You could have celebrity fairies compete for survival and occupancy of the fancy dwelling...
