Friday, April 25, 2008

Garden Glimpses : Late April 2008

It's about time for some more photos of the garden, which is starting to emerge very nicely in spite of the very cold spring. First of all, our surprise snowfall in April (seriously now, this is Vancouver, BC!!) (Click any of the photos for a much larger image):
Snow in April in Vancouver
I'd have to say, though, it adds a nice touch to our million dollar view of Burnaby Lake and the North Shore mountains (and yes, we have been very blessed to have such a wonderful house in such a lovely neighbourhood):
View to mountains from the front window
I love the colours - and textures - of this Pulsatilla:
Pulsatilla in bloom
This Epimedium is so delicate and graceful, I wish I had it in better focus...:
Pink epimedium
This is my Rainier cherry about a week ago, just starting to bloom... I need to snap another photo, it is fully covered in white blossoms now:
Rainier cherry starting to blossom
To end on a light note, I'm really enjoying these mushroom folk which I picked up at a dollar store:
Mushroom people in the garden

1 comment:

  1. Your Toadstool People are just too cute. It is amazing what you can find at the $ store sometimes. The one we have in town has kind of gone downhill and I stopped going. Seeing your little finds makes me want to try again.
