Friday, July 20, 2007

Garden Glimpses : Mid July 2007

This afternoon we had a short reprieve from this week of rain, so I went out and filled a clear garbage bag full with weeds and trimmings. I also snapped a few photos, like this daylily from my friend Lily, which cheers up the back garden, near my compost bins:

This daylily from my father-in-law, Hemerocallis "Kwanzo", a beautiful triple orange, is a great contrast to the purple Campanula sprouting next to it:

Daylily Kwanzo and CampanulaI was happy to spot this fuzzy bumblebee on the purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea):

Bee on coneflower
Here's that bee from another angle:

Bee on coneflower
The purple coneflowers are so photogenic, I can't resist including another shot:

Purple coneflowers
The purple coneflowers are great plants for the garden. They are perennial, don't need staking, don't spread throughout the garden, don't seed themselves liberally, and they are gorgeous, especially in mass plantings. I have a few small groups of 3 or 5 plants, but I am hoping to continue to add to my plantings, with the precious offspring I find on occasion, and starting more from seed.

This sunflower (Helianthus giganteus) seems to be taller each time I look at it. What a delight it will be when the flower appears!

Giant sunflower
The sunflower, as well as a small row of tomato plants, grow near the post between my espalier apple and asian pear trees.

The espaliered asian pear has produced a number of vertical shoots lately, so today I trimmed it down again. I prune out these shoots about once a month during the growing season. Since it has set fruit already, I feel confident to cut these shoots, and hopefully redirect more of the tree's energies into the fruit. Here is a pic before the pruning:

Espalier asian pear in need of a trim
I know I posted a similar shot last year, but I love this cheery Liatris underplanting of my Fuyu Persimmon tree, which seems to still be trying to settle in (and then I hope it will surprise me with noticeable growth, and one day, some fruit!):

Persimmon and liatrisAnd finally, my garden moment was sponsored today by Simmons:

Sweet moment for Mom
I was feeling very tired myself this afternoon, so I took a small rest at 2PM, which was ended before 3PM by a phone call (an automated recording, of all things!). My 8 year old daughter, who had fallen asleep on the bed beside me, continued to sleep. When I came downstairs, I found my 6 year old son asleep on his new mattress, which is still wrapped in plastic, on the living room floor (waiting for Daddy to finish assembling the new bed, which he did tonight). Amazingly (just short of miraculous), they continued to sleep until almost 7PM, so after finishing work at 5PM, I had lots of time in the garden to weed & take photos in peace!!!

Here is my son in his new bed, new mattress, new sheets. This is a big improvement, since his feet were already touching the bottom of his crib-sized bed!

New bed
On that note, I am going to close off, and head to bed myself. 'Night!


  1. you're so right about purple coneflowers...they really are photogenic. i love the liatris underplanting. very cute.

  2. Your photos are wonderful.

    The purple cone flowers are a favourite of mine too. Mine haven't bloomed yet this year (I grew them from seed last year) so I am hoping they will soon. I live In Nova Scotia and perhaps am a bit later due to weather. Also the liatris is another favourite (these haven't bloomed yet for me either).
