Monday, January 01, 2007

Garden Painting Day 18 & 19 : Cat

It has been some while since I started on the cat in my garden painting, first colouring in basic sections (not worrying too much about colour at this point)...
Cat painting - first step

...adding in some details of the back and paws...
Cat painting - back and paws

...and then finishing up the face, chest and tail...
Cat painting - final step

I was happy to usher in the New Year doing what I enjoy most (next to gardening, anyhow), and finish up the cat. I'm now estimating that my painting is 1/3 of the way. 1/3 more for adding in more plants to the remaining blank area, and the final 1/3 to add in missing flowers, a bird or two for the birdbath, butterflies and bees.
Garden painting with cat

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